RAZER EIGHT BRUSHLESS MOTOR & ESC COMBO 150A 4268 2600KV kr3,395.00 inkl. mva

Tamiya: THIN BLADE CRAFT SAW kr295.00 inkl. mva
Modelcraft: RAZOR SAW SET (K5 HANDLE AND #30490 BLADE)
kr195.00 inkl. mva
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Informasjon på engelsk:
- Blade measures: 5×1.25x.012 Inches with 46 Teeth Per Inch (TPI)
- Blade also Fits the K2 and K6 Excel Handles.
- K5 Handle with a machined aluminium shaft and a .875 hexagonal plastic grip.
- K5 handle includes a 4 jaw chuck to hold saw secure.
- For use on plastic, wood, and soft metals.